1. Build a WordPress 2.8 Widget with New Widget API – WPEngineer
WPEngineer Michael Preuss walks you through the new simpler Widget API in WordPress 2.8 to create a simple widget. Very simple and easy to understand tutorial.
2. The Complete Guide To Creating Widgets in WordPress2.8 Justin Tadlock
This is another great resource to learn how to build a widget using the new Widget API by Justin Tadlock.
3. Custom Taxonomies in WordPress 2.8 Justin Tadlock
If you find categories and tags too restricting for the stuff you write, Justin Tadlock explains how to define your own taxonomies in WordPress 2.8 to label your posts in the way you want.
4. WordPress 2.8 and body_class() function Nathan Rice
WordPress 2.8 supports location-specific classes for body tag with which you can control the looks of almost everything with just CSS.
5. Load JavaScript Files in Footer of Your Theme Lester Chan
Now you can make your WordPress blog faster by loading JavaScript files in the footer. Lester Chan explains how to do that in WordPress 2.8
6. the_author_meta() in WordPress Codex
The WordPress codex explains the new author meta information methods, its parameters and examples.
7. Handling Plugin Options in WordPress 2.8 PlanetOzh
WordPress 2.8 includes interesting register_setting() function that lets plugin authors leave the dirty stuff to WordPress and concentrate on the functionality of plugin.
8. WordPress Proxy Support WP Engineer
If you are using WordPress on your local network which is behind a proxy, then now you can easily fetch content from other websites or RSS feeds as WordPress 2.8 requires just a little edition to wp-config.php to work behind a proxy.
If you know of some other nice tutorials on WordPress 2.8, feel free to share them with us.